“Quintion started the Launch program in August 2020 with several goals: finding employment, enhancing his communication skills, making new friends, increasing his confidence with living on his own, and improving his time management skills to make more time for his love of art. He was quick to dive right in, often attending as many additional trainings and events as possible. Additionally, he connected with Vocational Rehabilitation, and Arc’s Employment Supports at the start of 2021.
Quintion has achieved a tremendous amount through these supports, including learning how to do his laundry, cooking independently, and establishing daily routines to manage his schedule. These skills have then transferred to help at his new job, which he accepted in July 2021 at Potbelly Sandwich Shop. Despite being busier than ever, he prioritizes time to work on his art. His incredible talents were recently recognized when he won the 2021 National Disability Awareness Month (NDEAM) Poster Contest sponsored by the Governor’s Council on Disability. The poster now hangs proudly at Potbelly Restaurant!”
Gabrielle Szarek
Director of Transistion Services
Next / A Division of the St. Louis Arc
Next provides focused, impactful supports for individuals with autism or learning differences. As a department within the St. Louis Arc, Next helps teens and young adults navigate what is next in various aspects of their lives.
Meet Quintion