Legislative Priorities Poll

DD ResourcesInformative

Each year the Governor’s Council on Disability distributes a Legislative Priorities Poll to assist in understanding issues important to Missourians with disabilities and those who work and live with them.

The 2020 Poll is open. Below is a fillable PDF form which can be completed and printed and a printable PDF which can be printed and completed by hand. It can also be completed and submitted online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/N2R7VTB.  Poll responses must be received by Friday, November 6, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. Please distribute to your friends, family, colleagues, clients/consumers/patients, and any other interested parties so they have the opportunity to share their opinions.

Electronically fillable form
Standard printable form

The PDFs may be returned to our office via mail, email, or fax using the contact information below.

Please contact our office with any questions or if you require assistance with completing the Poll.

Governor’s Council on Disability
301 West High Street, Room 620
PO Box 1668
Jefferson City, MO 65102-1668
GCD Phone: 573-751-2600 or 800-877-8249
GCD Fax: 573-526-4109
Website: http://disability.mo.gov