MERS/Missouri Goodwill
Address: 1727 Locust Street, St. Louis, MO 63103
Phone: 314.241.3464
Fax (Locust Office): 314.241.1588
Fax (MERS Workshop): 314.588.8416
Email: info@mersgoodwill.org
Website: www.mersgoodwill.org
Supported Employment:
Job Retention services help to ensure an individual's employment in the competitive environment is maintained in a long-term capacity. Services are provided to meet the needs of the individual employed and are designed to support individuals with developing and maintaining the skills needed for successful employment.
Sheltered Employment:
MERS Goodwill's sheltered workshop program provides employment and case management services to individuals who choose a sheltered workshop setting to meet their employment needs. Additionally, the workshop offers social interactions, skill development, and personal dignity through the ability to contribute to their own care. Work experiences may include packaging, assembly, collating, and machine operation on-site at the MERS Goodwill facility or with employer partners in the community.
Independent Supported Living Assistance (ISLA):
ISLA services support individuals to live independently in the community. Supports promote the development of skills for independence so the individual can stay in his or her own residence and access the community.
Independent Living Assistance Fund (ILAF):
The Independent Living Assistance Fund (ILAF) enables ISLA providers to assist individuals living in the community with obtaining furnishings and household items for their homes.