FACT - Family Advocacy and Community Training
Address: 2240 Bluestone Dr., Saint Charles, MO 63303
Phone: 636.949.2425
Website: www.factmo.org
F.A.C.T provides a range of services for the families of children who have a mental, physical or developmental disability.
If you are the parent, grandparent, guardian or caregiver of a child with a disability, F.A.C.T. is here for you because caring for a child with a disability can be challenging and overwhelming.
Our programs have been developed to support you, empower you, and provide you with the information and expert guidance you and your child need to thrive.
DD Family Support:
Through the DD Family Support program, families learn to navigate the various delivery systems with a ‘partner’ who acts as a peer parent mentor. Supports are provided by professionals who have been certified through the National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health. Families are supported with achieving success in the following three domains to help them thrive in all areas of life: Information Support, Emotional Support and Goods and Services.
Educational Advocacy:
The Educational Advocacy program is an advocacy program designed to help parents advocate for their children’s educational needs. F.A.C.T.’s Educational Advocates help parents focus on the most pressing issues related to their child’s education. Once the issue has been identified, Educational Advocates support parents with reviewing their child’s educational records and developing a plan to outline their child’s educational needs. Parents are supported during school meetings with advocating for their child’s rights and exploring options that may exist in the special education setting.