Easterseals Midwest
Address: 11933 Westline Industrial Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146
Phone: 314.567.7705
Fax: 314.394.4007
Email: info@esmw.org
Website: www.easterseals.com/midwest
Easter Seals Midwest is a not-for-profit, registered 501(c)(3) organization that is committed to helping individuals with developmental disabilities - including autism - learn, live, work and participate in the community.
Family Support:
The Family Support program supports individuals who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and live in their natural homes. Families are connected with a Training Specialist who works directly with them to assess their needs and determine which service would be most appropriate to help them meet the child’s needs. This program targets individuals who may be struggling with their membership in the family unit. These difficulties often surface due to lack of independence with habilitation skills and difficulty with attainment and maintenance of social roles and relationships.
Group support is also offered to families at the agency. While this program is geared toward families supporting individuals with ASD, the agency is able to support individuals with other DD Resources eligible diagnoses.
Individual Support In-home and Facility:
This program provides a variety of levels of support to assure that people with autism live with their families in their natural homes. The supportive elements of the program promote skill acquisition that develops the ability to care for oneself, form relationships within and outside the immediate family unit, participate in the community in a variety of roles and contexts and to move toward independence.
Services may take place in the family’s home and community sites with 1:1 support. Families may schedule the service as needed or have patterned prescheduled in-home support. Families/primary caregivers may be away from the home while services are utilized.
The Facility-based program is offered in a group setting at the agency’s facility or in the community, with a staff to individual ratio of 1:1 or 1:4, depending on their needs. The facility-based program offers support with skills such as turn taking, reciprocal conversations, hygiene and peer interactions through games and other activities. This program is offered on Saturdays, three times per month to children. There are also teen and young adult programs which take place in the community, and focus on social skills and pre-employment skills.
Independent Supported Living Assistance (ISLA):
ISLA services support individuals to live independently in the community. Supports promote the development of skills for independence so the individual can stay in his or her own residence and access the community.
Independent Living Assistance Fund (ILAF):
The Independent Living Assistance Fund (ILAF) enables ISLA providers to assist individuals living in the community with obtaining furnishings and household items for their homes.
Self Determination in Action:
Self-Determination in Action teaches skills in self-advocacy and self-determination through an educational, mentoring and leadership training program. This comprehensive training program is provided weekly in a group format via Zoom and in a classroom setting, in 3-6 week sessions.
Supported Employment:
Employment services help to ensure an individual's employment in the competitive environment is maintained in a long-term capacity. Services are provided to meet the needs of the individual employed and are designed to support individuals with developing and maintaining the skills needed for successful employment.